SummerJob is over! :) :(

So finally I completed a month at my job.  Last Saturday was my last day, it was the most exhausting workday I have ever had. I came home and sleep about 3 hours long after work. The experience was great I learn about responsibilities; knew very interesting, crazy and extremely dull people. I was rewarded with a reasonable payment and was offered weekend job for when I started school. I have not accepted the offer yet but I’ll think about it once i start school. The job experience was great I really enjoyed it except for the part of waking up early in the morning. My vacations soon will be over and reality will hit me again. I’ll sleep, eat, scream, play, party, and relax as much as I can of what lasts of summer. These days I’ll be wondering around a lot of time at home so ill post a lot , if I don’t post is that I am doing something more interesting hahaha or just fighting with my mom. Peace out  kiddos!

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